Say it with Prose-
An artistic assessment workshop, for constructive culture transformation
SIWP is a creative workshop inspiring participants to articulate a desired organization. Subsequently, through a uniquely designed maturity assessment workshop, this framework architects an actionable culture transformation roadmap. Through a creatively honest and structured change management framework, the participants are brought in a psychological safe environment. With an open paint brush / a sharp crayon / an original musical note, they reflect and intertwine their individual thoughts on the collective canvas, to paint that desired organization and catalyze the change management journey! Historically, this program aims to channelize the inner aspirations of employees towards comprehensive organization building through sustainable shaping and culture transformation.
A Creative Approach to Culture Transformation:
Our approach takes a holistic view of various components which form the foundation as well as the radars of the organization culture. This assessment workshop leverages a comprehensive & participative tool, to assess organizational maturity on variety of parameters, encompassing Business, People & Culture determinants, contextualized to the participating company. A fluid workshop, wherein the twin approach of tapping into human creativity is supplemented with visualization of a “desired” organization. It brings forth the gaps and aspirations in the most candid expressions, which can be duly leveraged by the leadership teams to review, redesign and rebuild a more optimistic and aligned organization.
Tapping Natural Articulation through Creative Workshop:
As humans, we have an intuitive inclination towards arts, skills and sense of empathy &appreciation. While most of us are not evidently aware of our creative confidence, it only takes a profound nudging to awaken that. And once the right stimuli and ambience is provided, which speaks to the inner-self of the individual, she expresses them vividly, articulating the gaps and shaping the building blocks of a healthier workplace experience. The facilitator provides a limitless and fearless ambience wherein any form of art, viz. singing, storytelling, skit, collage-making, short movie, drawing, poetry etc is encouraged, as a medium to dwell upon the very simplified aspects of organization well-being. Through iterative lucidity, the mesh of articulation is shaped into a collective unison. That’s when the group begins to rise above the individual sharing into collective aspiration.
Assessment Workshop outcomes:
Once the difference scores are unified into collective scores, organizational culture maturity is calibrated as a definitive number. That serves as broad indicator of cultural maturity as well as focused areas of jubilation as well as improvisation. The output from the workshop is also presented as observation & analysis deck, narrating the dynamics of the participating group, with indications on group’s sentiments as well as highlighting organizational behaviorCreative Articulation of a Desired Organization:
Through a simplified tool, which asks some pertinent but non-exhausting statements, the participants are asked to rank the overall organization on a scale of “desirability”, with rationale of their scores. It extrapolates various elements of faith in leadership, communication, feedback , personal recognition, future-readiness, learning curve, focus on employee well-being, progressive processes & policies, and opportunity for self-development.
Participants are asked to provide their responses through their creative selves, either as individuals or groups. Throughout the process,the focus is on three overarching themes: Outward Looking Inward Building, Future Readiness, Organizational Care.
To make sure the exercise is not only utopian, rather genuinely utilitarian, the senior management is encouraged to join the conclusive session, wherein the participants share their visual template, with their scores on each of the “desirability” component, their rationale and explanation of the scores through the “creative” outputs, along with suggested action plans to improvise culture maturity scores.