Organization Building:

Organizations need nurturing like we humans do. Different components of the organization think differently, behave different and approach situations differently. To build a common identity, they need to be sensitized to the organizational aspirations, values, goals and spirit.


Embedding higher leadership skills in existing and to-be leadership groups


Bootcamps with experiential learnings | Leadership journey in adverse situations | Discovery & Reflection sessions

Target audience:

Senior Leadership groups | Identified employees, as part of critical succession planning

Expected output:

Leaders with heightened sense of future visualization, self-awareness, people management, ecosystem symbiosis, and impact of collaboration

Customer excellence through design thinking:


Develop higher sense of appreciation for role of product development, consumer insights, user experience


Design Thinking, practical principles and applicatory exercises

Target audience:

Sales teams | Product development teams | Consumer and Client-relations teams

Expected output:

Better empathy &insights for developing consumer-friendly solutions, leading to better sensitization and eventually business growth

Developing Young Managers:


Onboard young managers onto fast track, by assessing, developing and nurturing right skillsets; and enhance their readiness for higher level of responsibilities


Tailored assessments for young managers. Case studies and real life assignments & projects over an extended period | Tailored programs for developing young talent | Setting mentorship mechanisms |Coaching sessions

Target audience:

Group of young Managers | Identified Hi-Po’s across the organization

Expected output:

Enhancing Young Managers’ readiness for early leadership roles, with higher sense of responsibility, ownership and business-appreciation

Digital workplace maturity assessments:


Assess the level of digitalization within the organization


On-site assessment along with employees, HR & IT teams

Target audience:

Digital teams, HR teams

Expected output:

Calibrate level of digitalization in the organization | Develop focused action plan to enhance, espouse and embrace Digitalization

Our programs build on those synthesizing theme and provide specific capability enhancements to grow overall organizational capabilities.